Development should not end when the participants have completed a course, a workshop or a development programme. Make sure that the experiences are remembered, used and internalised in the months following the programme with integrated coaching.
It is frightening how quickly we forget. And how difficult it is to transfer what we hear and (perhaps) learn in internal and external courses as well as development programmes. Whether these are face-to-face, virtual, customised, on-demand, app-supported, etc. And on top of that, it’s expensive.
When you decide to invest in the development of your leaders and employees – and this is critical to the existence and legitimacy of the organisation – you should support and reinforce desired behavioural changes with integrated coaching.
Integrated coaching is an effective way to integrate the changed leadership behaviour into the individual’s leadership practice. You can benefit from starting it prior to the commencement of the course, workshop or development activity as well as during and after.
We use integrated coaching after our own development programmes and those provided by others.
© 2025 qb3
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